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Dreams karya Henri Bergson

Jerman : Berlin

Kami para introvert memiliki pandangan lain akan sesuatu. Kami keras kepala dengan itu, karena kami tahu bahwa itulah yang membuat kami bahagia.

     The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

     A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?

Inggris : London

     But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Aku kasih gambar ah... supaya lebih dinamis. Gambarnya hambar dan nggak jelas? Nggak masalah, psikologis ku memang seperti gambar ini.

Chile : Santiago

    Sebenarnya aku ketawa hampir mati... pikiranku membludak seperti air bah 26 desember 2004. Waduh, gimana aku tak mampu memberikan kebanggaan untukmu wahai Professor Bergson. Anda menulis karya begitu aduhai, aduh aku sampai kehabisan apapun untuk menulis kalimat banggaku kepada engkau. Aku baru percaya; Aku ini biblioholic, dulu aku sering menikmati bacaan dan kadang berpikir mengapa aku begitu cinta dengan aksara, dan kenapa mayoritas manusia melampiaskan hasratnya dengan praktek lapangan? Bukannya menikmati teori spekulatif yang cukup kompleks realistis itu menyenangkan? Cuma aku yang setuju...
Ya sudah.....

Karena mimpi : Mulai berkompromi

Padahal Henri Bergson sendiri menjunjung intuisi dan pengalaman guna menyusun teori. Yang namanya teori ya memang dari fakta lapangan. Aku kan cuma pemimpi, akan lebih ideal jika aku membanggakan sebuah aksara teori, spekulatif dan nikmat gitu aja.

A dream is this! Aku sampai menangis gemetar, apa yang aku pikirkan hanya satu; dreams sangat jelas.! Aduh, saat bangun, semua itu telah menghilang! Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang pernyataan cantik itu? Sisa hariku tak lebih hanyalah menunggu sesuatu itu datang, terkenang dan menghilang. Apa itu dreams? Aku takut bermimpi karena aku jelas melihat dan menyadari plus merasakan bagaimana cara kerja mimpi. Itu bukan dream, itu cuma obsesi. A dream is this!

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria?

Bersantai : Alhasil semampai

     Apa maksud mu prof? Aku bahkan tak pernah memikirkan sesuatu yang rasanya sedikit tak jelas. Bukannya pernyataanmu mu itu cukup jelas? Menyaksikan segala yang aku rasa? Aku cuma melihat ketidakpastian dan ketidakpercayaan, tapi aku tau bahwa itu hal terpenting untukku. Walau begitu adanya, aku masih minim dalam berprasangka, mungkin lain kali aku akan lebih mau bicara dengan pemilik prasangka.

'Kotak itu berisi sejuta mimpi!' Menculik kalimat bait lagu Sheila on7.

The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. "Ocular spectra," "colored spots," "phosphenes," such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, "such stuff as dreams are made on."

Jangan marah : Hilang berkah

Hal-hal yang membentuk sebuah impian. Apa itu? Apa impian memang selalu menjelma? Apakah rasanya nyaman? Ya aku tak tau. Mimpi itu seperti cinta; 'Tak butuh alasan.' Begitu menurutku, walau aku juga percaya bahwa ada faktor-faktor yang bisa memicu sebuah kenihilan alasan. Di balik ketidakjelasan mimpi, ada banyak hal alami di situ. Bukankah aku hanya butuh kepekaan intuisi?

Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d'Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.

Bintang kecil : Anugerah terbaik

Waduh... ini terlalu berat untuk dipahami prof. Lagipun aku menulis esai ku di sini dengan setengah tidur. Nggak apa lah, nanti kalimat ku luruh juga si sini. Maksudku begini, kan dreams ini adalah karya nonfiksi, berdasar ilmu pasti, tapi kalau diuji aku kira akan lebih kompleks lagi. Jadi, paling ideal adalah mengulas atas dasar perasaan penuh ketertarikan. Dengan sikap ceria, karena mimpi adalah sejarah perbincangan cinta. Aku sendiri menilai mimpi sebagai hal yang lumrah dan mudah dijelaskan, tapi gimana pola dasar mimpi itu cukup riskan dan rumit guna ditelisik. Yang membuatku jatuh dan sayang pada fenomena mimpi adalah bahwa mimpi tak pernah memperhatikan apa yang aku rasakan dan inginkan, seolah si mimpi itu adalah diplomat gaek untukku.

Sudahlah untuk hari ini. Aku akan mengulasnya lain hari, terima kasihku untukmu; Henri Bergson.

The Introvert
Aku kurang yakin bahwa namaku ini Ridwan, tapi aku dipanggil dengan nama itu. Aku pria, tapi aku memiliki cita rasa wanita. Aku kurang normal, tapi aku yakin tidak gila. Aku hidup, tapi aku tak bernafas dengan hasratku. Gimana ini...?
